Access any reservation from the Reservations menu by clicking on its Confirmation Code.
Inside the reservation itself, you have the options to Create Asana task, Cancel the reservation or to Move it to another property.
Clicking on move reservation will present you with an option to select another property. Bear in mind that moving a booking to another listing will not have any effect on external platforms (Ex.Airbnb).
The header of the reservation will give you core information about the Guest name, Check In and Out, Planned Arrival, Departure Time, Revenue and Source.
The reservation progression line will be the tool that keeps you updated on the progress of the booking.
The quick access menu on the left side of the header gives you the option to jump into any section you need to check or edit.
General Information gives you the financial stats like Deposit, Net Revenue, Cleaning fee and such. You can edit them easily by just pointing the field you want to amend and then clicking on the pencil icon that will appear next to it. Another way is to use the edit button that appears in the upper right corner of the section whenever your mouse is over it.
With Custom Fields you can put more defining details in your reservation and create more ways to filter and distribute important information. This option can also be accessed through settings in the main menu.
Clicking on Notes will send you to the general Notes and Cleaning Notes options. As usual, click on the pencil icon to edit or put information.
Under Reviews, you will see the reviews, you and your client have left.
Credit cards contains sensitive info about the payment method and will be partially covered.
Tasks will list the Asana tasks that are currently assigned to this reservation.
Automations gives you detailed info about automatic messages and their status. You can follow if they have been sent or are still pending, as well as previewing the message or simply cancel it.
Finally, under Transaction, you will be able to see every financial movement, linked to the reservation.