In order to build your advanced fee management, the feature should be activated for your customer. Please contact our support team to do so.
If you have a VRBO account, be advised that taxes should be managed by Hostify.
In order to do so, please contact our support team, so they could activate and map all of your taxes!
1. Advance fee management for the first time
1.1 Bulk update property fees
If you are using our advance fee management for the first time, the best it will be if you activate the option to create property fees before you build your templates if you need them.
Go to Owner → Activate adv. fees:
You could filter which listings you want to start with, select them and activate the advance fee management safe for all of them.
In this window you will see only property fees created, so don't worry if you don't see your fees and the advance fee management is No, when you activate the option Hostify will take all your basic fees and will create corresponding property fees.
Advise: Have some scroll to check if all of your fees are created properly.
1.2. Listing per listing activation
Go to your isting's pricing page:
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️Applying templates to your listings will erase all current fees, taxes extras or accommodation for which template refer for. Do not use templates if you already have fees taxes or extras that you want to keep as they will be replaced with your template new fees, taxes, or extras!
If you need to add single fee, or manage fees with different amounts and settings fo it from listing page → 3. Listing page overview
You can build your own pricing templates that could be applied to a group of listings. With this feature, you can add as many fees, taxes, extras, and costs.
One listing could have only one object template (one accommodation template, one fee template, one taxes template, one extra template, and one cost template) but in it, you could add as many fees taxes, and extras as you need.
‼️Note that not all the fees or taxes are pushed to channels, pls check this article—Channel fees—to map if required your custom fees! ‼️
When you are updating your fees from template, there requires some time to pass, so all new prices to go over channels. Timing dependence on how many properties do you have in that template, children listings attached to it and channel itself.
2. Create your fees, taxes, and extras.
If you need custom fees, you could create them:
Be advised that in our system we already have predefined system fees that you could use like cleaning fee, linen fee, service charges, and more. Custom fees will be applicable only for direct bookings and your booking websites. Which fee will go to which channel, you could check in this article: Chanel fees.
2. Create your templates
Go to templates and click on Add New:
Add an Internal name to your template; some description if needed; type (what object should be in this template—accommodation, fee, taxes, extras, or expenses); add your currency; and country—click save.
Done—the template is saved, now you need to add some values to it:
Add your fees taxes and extras the same way.
You could add a template for Booking costs, which expense will be applied to every booking that you will receive.
When you define your templates, we could add listings that they should apply to:
3. Listing page overview
When the advanced fee management is activated on your listing page you will see a new tab, called “Fees, Taxes & Extras”, where you could see, or change the template from the dropdown.
You could switch off the template mode, and edit your prices on the listing level as well:
3. Reservation view
3.1 Before you start using pricing breakdown.
Even if you added some new costs, or you will use our advance fee option, you should refresh your reservations, so our system could generate all reservation fees.
You can refresh your reservations more than one time:
If you build your contracts, and you want to populate some new costs;
If you activate the advance fee management for the first time;
Note: All reservations that are not coming from the channels, will create corresponding reservation fees.
If you had manually changed some fees on pricing breakdown in the reservations page, the changes will not overwrite—if you had changes made, probably you don't want to lose them, so these reservations will be skipped.
Go to Owners → Refresh reservations:
Apply some filters (please do not select all reservations ever in our system, this will take too long time, let it be no more than 200—300 reservations at one time):
Select reservations and click on the refresh button:
Advice: Check out reservation log, to see which reservation was or was not updated!
3.2 Pricing breakdown page
On your reservation page, you will have a new and more detailed view of pricing:
You have the availability to change, modify your fees, add extras, or even delete them*:
* System costs as channel commission and transaction fee cannot be deleted, if you don't want to have their amount update them to value of 0